keskiviikko 27. joulukuuta 2017

Forced migration in the shadow of the Holocaust

    Nowadays is somehow compelled take immigrants to north, at least it feels like that. The Jews are in favor of this displacement, behind which they seem to be. Many wonder why this is so, since most migrants are Muslims, who are claimed to be the worst enemy of the Jews. However, I do not believe that false propaganda, because the Jews would not want their worst enemies in the countries where they live.

If we look more closely at what is really going on, so we notice jews are profitable forced migration, because those forced migration are actually the same race as the Jews. That way countries are conquered by forced migration, and it even pay  the population of countries which are conquered, the impact of the country's traitors or policies. 

Somehow, the conquest of these countries history is repeated, because in the same way happened in Egypt where the Aryans(Jews) in co-operation with their African allies, destroyed the original Egyptians and because of this there are the so-called Ethiopian Jews. Does the same thing happen in Europe?

In the Bible, Jeremiah's book in the Old Testament, there are stories about the association of Africans and Jews.
46:1 The word of the LORD which came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the nations.
46:2 About Egypt. Concerning the army of Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt, which was by the river Euphra'tes at Car'chemish and which Nebuchadrez'zar king of Babylon defeated in the fourth year of Jehoi'akim the son of Josi'ah, king of Judah
46:9 Advance, O horses, and rage, O chariots! Let the warriors go forth: men of Ethiopia and Put who handle the shield, men of Lud, skilled in handling the bow.

The Holocaust is used as a psychological weapon of merit in this offensive forced migration.

Translated into English:
--By following today's conversation, for example, from Africa to Europe fleeing the Mediterranean with disadvantaged boats helping, our history to inevitably come to mind.
--Our history is full of shocking, and afterwards unimaginable examples of it  what can happen when the requests for help from people in danger are denied. One of the most famous stories is the story of a German liner from MS St. Louis, who left Hamburg in May 1939 to Cuba with more than 900 Jewish refugees. The ship was denied access first to Cuba and then to the United States and Canada.
This is how the Jews compare Muslims to themselves and in reality they are same, only God's Name has changed to Allah. African Muslims are so called "slaves" of the Aryan Muslims,  and thus beneficial to the Aryans in the conquest of Europe, as once in the conquest of Egypt.

Jewish-owned media constantly publishes such propaganda, which they themselves would not accept, like homous and all sorts of liberalism are the desirable trends in Europe, which do not in no way fit the Jewish world of thought. Does the Jews make the European Conquest approved for themselves, as a religious act?
20:23 And do not keep the rules of the nations which I am driving out before you; for they did all these things, and for that reason my soul was turned against them.
20:24 But I have said to you, You will take their land and I will give it to you for your heritage, a land flowing with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God who have made you separate from all other peoples. 
7:16 And you are to send destruction on all the peoples which the Lord your God gives into your hands; have no pity on them, and do not give worship to their gods; for that will be a cause of sin to you.

The Holocaust of the Second World War was actually racial cleansing, which the Jews themselves did, and not even the first time, because the Jews had broken against their religion by mixing with other peoples.

23:2 One whose father and mother are not married may not come into the meeting of the Lord's people, or any of his family to the tenth generation.
9:1 Now after these things were done, the captains came to me and said, The people of Israel and the priests and Levites have not kept themselves separate from the people of the lands, but have taken part in the disgusting ways of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.
9:2 For they have taken their daughters for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy seed has been mixed with the peoples of the lands; and in fact the captains and rulers have been the first to do this evil.
9:3 And hearing this, with signs of grief and pulling out the hair of my head and my chin, I took my seat on the earth deeply troubled.
10:3 Let us now make an agreement with our God to put away all the wives and all their children, if it seems right to my lord and to those who go in fear of the words of our God; and let it be done in keeping with the law.
10:11 So now, give praise to the Lord, the God of your fathers, and do his pleasure; and make yourselves separate from the peoples of the land and from the strange women.
9:1 Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Israel came together, taking no food and putting haircloth and dust on their bodies.
9:2 And the seed of Israel made themselves separate from all the men of other nations, publicly requesting forgiveness for their sins and the wrongdoing of their fathers.
10:30 And that we would not give our daughters to the peoples of the lands, or take their daughters for our sons;
13:3 So after hearing the law, they took out of Israel all the mixed people.

Hannu Rautakallio wrote in his book "Rescued from the Holocaust":
"Judische Rundschau" newspaper editorial:
"Zionism's belief in the re-birth of national life as has been the case in German life, Christianity changing national values. National re-birth must also be a reality for Jews. The roots of race (Abstammung), religion, racial specificity (Artbewusstein) meaning and common destiny must also be able to influence how Jews shape their own lives. It undoubtedly means that, that Jews must abandon the egoistic individualism of the liberal era and replace it with a collective spirit and willingness to bear solidarity."
Particularly interest will cause is the point where it is said "Zionism's belief in the re-birth of national life as has been the case in German life, Christianity changing national values."

I therefore ask what purpose was in the conquest of Christianity? When the priests were similar to the people's traitors as the politicians today. Is the Apostle Paul's distorted message from Jesus, converted to serving Jewish religion, whereby a Christian can be a kind of "voluntary holocaust", or burnt sacrifice, by burning the Jews to forgive their sins.
15:16 to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
15:17 In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to be proud of my work for God.
12:29 for our God is a consuming fire. 

torstai 21. joulukuuta 2017

Is Hitler's book distorted?

Hitler's Mein Kampf is going to "rewrite" something else as it originally was. Are there some pointers left in Hitler's book, as they reveal too much. The conversion of Hitler's book is similar to the rewriting of the words, that is, now that people do not believe so much in the wonders of water, etc., these writings are claimed to be metaphors that mean something different. However, scientists have even searched for Noah's sheet from Turkey on Mount Ararat. Well, the land is at least right, for the Jews are the same Aryans as the Turks and the Iranians.

The conversion of Hitler's book to another, therefore, drives the power of certain people who are already dictatorial and therefore we can not speak of the fact that the Jews and the gypsies are the Aryans and their religious cross has been a swindler of all time. Greetings from Adolf Hitler took these from the Aryan.

These same people want the Germans to fight the Russians again, just like during the Second World War. Their papers are pushing this thing with their massive propaganda. Of course, of course, someone who is a NATO supporter laughs; "It is the Will of the People". But that would be the case during World War II when the Germans were cheating on the same. It all was because the peoples were not told the truth about the Aryans Adolf Hitler admired. This secret has been kept to the present day and therefore the Aryan dictatorship continues. Thus, the Germans are deceived by war in favor of the Aryans.

I put these two significant points on Hitler's book and explain their significance. Hitler regretted writing his book because he knew he had revealed too much. In his second part, in his book(nationalist movement) Hitler is already considerably more cautious and explains the first part of his writings.

Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. Part 1. Accounting.
Chapter 8: The beginning of my political activities:
--The more an idea is correct in the abstract, and, therefore, all the more powerful, the smaller is the possibility of putting it into practice, at least as far as this latter depends on human beings. The significance of a political philosopher does not depend on the practical success of the plans he lays down but rather on their absolute truth and the influence they exert on the progress of mankind. If it were otherwise, the founders of religions could not be considered as the greatest men who have ever lived, because their moral aims will never be completely or even approximately carried out in practice. Even that religion which is called the Religion of Love is really no more than a faint reflex of the will of its sublime Founder. But its significance lies in the orientation which it endeavoured to give to human civilization, and human virtue and morals.
Explanation; Religious founders Hitler means the Aryans who have established the largest religions in the world, or have at least had an influence on the establishment of these beliefs. Note: The Jews are with these Aryans.

Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. Part 2. National Socialist Movement.
Chapter 13. German Alliance Policy after the War:
--It must open the eyes of our people in regard to foreign nations and it must continually remind them of the real enemy who menaces the world today. In place of preaching hatred against Aryans from whom we may be separated on almost every other ground but with whom the bond of kindred blood and the main features of a common civilization unite us, we must devote ourselves to arousing general indignation against the maleficent enemy of humanity and the real author of all our sufferings.
Explanation; Here Hitler says with a mind to know who the real-Aryans are, the same ones Hitler copied the swastika and greetings. The anger was directed to those who were not purebred-Aryan but mixed with Germans.

The first part of the writings show how Hitler liked the German people and thus gained power in Germany. The Germans knew how things were in their country, no new thing for them, but Hitler cheated the Germans to think that change would come if he gained power. But the change came but different, that is, the dictatorship of the immigrants strengthened where it was already in Germany. Finland is at this point today. We can exercise indulgence and manipulation in favor of certain, whether they are the same ones Adolf Hitler admired. We can behave like psychopaths. For teenagers and patriotism. Give the picture that some want to take away the joy of life etc ...

This is an indication of Hitler's favor with the Germans, where Hitler is keen on people already knowing how things were at that time in Germany, that is, the same way as in Finland today and it knows the same thing, that is, we have to fight against them, dictated against the Russians.

Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. Part 1. Accounting.
Chapter 3 Political reflections arising out of my sojourn in  Vienna:
--It is not the aim of our modern democratic parliamentary system to bring together an assembly of intelligent and well-informed deputies. Not at all. The aim rather is to bring together a group of nonentities who are dependent on others for their views and who can be all the more easily led, the narrower the mental outlook of each individual is. That is the only way in which a party policy, according to the evil meaning it has to-day, can be put into effect. And by this method alone it is possible for the wirepuller, who exercises the real control, to remain in the dark, so that personally he can never be brought to account for his actions. For under such circumstances none of the decisions taken, no matter how disastrous they may turn out for the nation as a whole, can be laid at the door of the individual whom everybody knows to be the evil genius responsible for the whole affair. All responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the Party as a whole. In practice no actual responsibility remains. For responsibility arises only from personal duty and not from the obligations that rest with a parliamentary assembly of empty talkers.

Finally; French satirists have drawn up all kinds of cartoons, but how would the following cartoon be ?;
Rabbi prays within the synagogue. The wall has a swastika (bring Jewish religious cross) and Hitler's image. The Rabbi considers Hitler's image and says; "Thanks to the Messiah, we got Israel and practiced our religion in Europe." Is this kind of a cartoon somehow hoping for?

perjantai 6. tammikuuta 2017

Natsismin kolme askelta

Perustan luominen
Natsismin perusta luotiin eurooppaan jo kauan aikaa sitten. Kristinuskon mukana germaaneille opetettiin, että arjalaiset ovat Jumalia ja siten kaiken kritiikin ulkopuolella.  Ne jotka eivät suostuneet uskomaan, murhattiin kiduttamalla, mm. polttamalla. Tätä aikaa kutsutaan noitavainoiksi. Silloiset maanpetturit, jotka olivat samanlaisia kuin nykyiset politiikot, eli siis papit, harjoittivat kansanterroria silloisten suvakkien kanssa, jotka olivat tietenkin niitä jotka olivat omaksuneet kristinuskon. Kristinuskon jonka mukaan he saivat näytellä jotenkin parempaa ihmistä, uskomalla arjalaisten kertomuksiin, joiden mukaan ne jotka palvelevat arjalaisia ja kärsivät, saisivat palkkansa sitten kuoleman jälkeen.

Arjalaiset, jotka ovat perustaneet kristinuskon kuten muutkin maailman suurimmat uskonnot, jäivät Eurooppaan ja eristäytyivät omiin ghettoihinsa, jossa he olivat turvassa vieraalta vaikutukselta, sillä kaikenlainen "sekoittuminen" muihin, niin ruumiillinen kuin henkinen, ei ollut heidän uskontonsa mukaan suvaittavaa.
Viides Mooseksen kirja:
23:2 Älköön kukaan sekasikiö pääskö Herran seurakuntaan; älköön sellaisen jälkeläinen edes kymmenennessä polvessa pääskö Herran seurakuntaan.
Kolmas Mooseksen kirja:
20:23 Ja älkää vaeltako sen kansan tapojen mukaan, jonka minä karkoitan teidän tieltänne; sillä kaikkia näitä he ovat tehneet ja nostaneet minun inhoni.

Vallan anastaminen
Arjalaiset(juutalaiset) liittoutuivat kuninkaiden kanssa, ja alkoivat lainaamaan rahaa. Muilta uskonnon avulla kiellettiin rahan lainaus. Näin kuninkaat ja heidän lakeijansa saivat yksinoikeuden rahan lainaukseen, ja siten saattoivat määrätä koron lainattavalle summalle, koska minkäänlaista kilpailua ei esiintynyt. Juutalaiset nimittäin lainailivat eliitin rahoja, ja toimivat näin jonkinlaisena välikätenä, hyötyen itsekkin symbioosista. Näin juutalaisten valta kasvoi, heidän rikastuttuaan.

Näin aika kului ja arjalaiset(juutalaiset) rikastuivat uskontonsa avulla, samallatavalla kuin kuninkaatkin.

Sitten tuli Adolf Hitler, joka huijasi saksalaisia totaalisesti. Hitlerin avulla juutalaisten valta on kasvanut ennennäkemättömiin suhteisiin, sillä holocaustin avulla juutalaiset ovat saaneet eräänlaisen henkisen vallan germaaneista, syyllistämällä germaanit holocaustista. Tosiasiassa juutalaiset itse suorittivat holocaustinsa, jopa sanomalla aivan suoraan sen mitä tekivät. Mutta totaalisessa diktatuurissa, siinä mikä luotiin jo kristinuskon saapuessa Eurooppaan, ei todellista keskustelua ole ollut siitä lähtien. Vaikka sananvapaudesta puhutaan, niin todellisuudessa kristinusko vei sen jo aikoja sitten.

Nykyisin on siis totaalinen diktatuuri, johtuen historiallisista seikoista, joiden vaikutuksesta totuus on vääristynyt pahimmalla mahdollisella tavalla ja kansat saavat kärsiä tästä totuuden vääristymästä.

Totaalisesta diktatuurista johtuen voivat arjalaiset(juutalaiset) määrätä eri maissa siirtolaispolitiikasta, jonkakaltaista he eivät itse missään nimessä hyväksyisi omaan maahansa, Israeliin. Ja he eivät ole hyväksyneetkään, siksi he itse polttivatkin aikoinaan sekarotuiset "juutalaiset" pois keskitysleireillä.

Tässä kansojen alistamisessa ovat tietenkin pyskopaatit mukana täysin-rinnoin, kuten sanonta kuuluu, sillä näin he saavat etuisuuksia. Historia siis toistuu, sillä aikoinaan Saksassa oli samanlainen meininki, kun psykopaatit liittoutuivat vallan kanssa, ja myivät maansa samaan tapaan kuin papit ja uskovaiset aikoinaan. Mutta totaalisesta diktatuurista johtuen koko asiasta ollaan vaiettu ja totuus salattu, väittämällä germaaneja arjalaisiksi, sekä salaamalla olennaisia seikkoja.

Median omistussuhteista johtuen ne nostetaan "parrasvaloihin", jotka palvelevat eliittiä ja ovat eliitille uskollisia. Muut pyritään eliminoimaan, joko vaikenemella heidän olemmassaolostaan, tai mustamaalaamalla heitä. Näin median omistajat voivat johdatella kansaa haluamaansa suuntaan. Tästä johtuen ei todellista julkista keskustelua olekkaan ollut siitä mitä todella tapahtuu nyt, ja mitä tapahtui aikoinaan, kuten esimerkiksi toisen-maailmansodan aikana.

Tämän siirtolaisuuden tavoite on jo aivanselvä, sitä ei enää millääntavalla salata. Samallatavalla kuin juutalaiset eivät salanneet sitäkään, mitä he touhusivat keskitysleireillä, vaan se sanottiin aivan suoraan, juutalaisten uskonnollisen ristin koristaessa Saksan lippua ja germaanien tervehtiessä toisiaan arjalaisten(juutalaisten) tavalla. Mutta totaalisesta diktatuurista johtuen koko asiasta ollaan vaiettu ja totuus valheilla salattu, väittämällä germaaneita arjalaisiksi.

Ne politiikot jotka ovat psykopaatteja myyvät siis taas maansa, ja maan kansalaisten itsenäisyyden, saadakseen itse etuisuuksia. Tästä johtuen siirtolaisuuden ja rotusekoittumisen kannattaminen on tehty jonllakintavalla pakolliseksi. Niiden samojen asioiden, joita eivät nämä siirtolaiset missäännimessä hyväksyisi omiin maihinsa.

Siivittääkö siis uskonto Euroopan valloitusta siirtolaisuudella, samallatavalla kuin aikoinaan Intian valloitusta, jossa arjalaiset ovat kanssa anastaneet vallan uskontonsa ja sekoittumisen avulla.
Toinen Mooseksen kirja:
23:29 Mutta minä en karkoita heitä sinun tieltäsi yhtenä vuotena, ettei maa tulisi autioksi eivätkä metsän pedot lisääntyisi sinun vahingoksesi;
23:30 vähitellen minä karkoitan heidät sinun tieltäsi, kunnes olet tullut kyllin lukuisaksi ottamaan haltuusi maan.